The Leftovers (2014–2017)
Stop Comparing This To "LOST"
13 August 2014
I can't give this series (just renewed for a second season, by the way) a ten because nothing is perfect. If there was a rating for "As Perfect As Possible"? Hence the nine. The character development, the tight writing (without clichéd gimmicks or ridiculous dialog that only happens between fictional people) the phenomenal camera work and editing, the entire package, darn near perfect. This is an ineffable wonder of brilliant, barely controlled emotional chaos in a realistic world; not some fake island inhabited by a swirl of smoke.

The ONLY thing in common with "Lost" is the inability to identify anyone as "good" or "bad". You don't know who to love or hate. You don't know who to trust or what their motives are. The moment you begin to form an opinion of any character I can almost guarantee you'll change your mind (and then back again) within the frame work of a single episode.

You'll step into the lives of certain residents in an East Coast small town three years after an event referred to as "10/14" the way many of us refer to 9/11.

Is it paranormal? Supernatural? Spiritual? Was it a giant scientific blooper that the Illuminati Government started and refuses to acknowledge? An Alien encounter? Worm hole in the Universe? Should we call Doctor Who? Is it a very long dream by one of the characters?

Fasten your seat belts darlings ... I think it's going to be the best bumpy ride since Breaking Bad, and for the love of all things amazing and brilliant, stop comparing this to Lost. For those of you who do, you're ignoring the deeper meaning, the one we are all afraid to admit we know but won't acknowledge: sometimes you will never know what happened. How do you move forward without any closure at all?

The Leftovers is called THE LEFTOVERS. Not, "All will be revealed and make sense someday"
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