The Smurfs 2 (2013)
If you didn't like the first film, why watch the second?
26 January 2014
I'm really puzzled by these reviews. Firstly, we have people saying they hated the first film but this is even worse. Excuse me, but what kind of stupid do you have to be to watch a sequel to a film you hated? Then there's people who complain that the film is for children? But hey, what did you expect? Well, I expected the worst, I never liked the Smurfs and I'm old enough to remember that awful song from the 70s. I've seen the McDonalds toys and I was prepared to hate this. But every Sunday we take our children to see a movie for a pound and this is what was on. I've seen Despicable Me 2, Turbo, Monsters University, Cloudy with Meatballs 2 and the Rise of the Guardians over the last few weeks on the same terms. I enjoyed those in varying degrees, but I wanted to give this one a miss. But it's for the kids, not me, so I went along. And I guess what, I actually enjoyed it.

There's no point me regurgitating the plot, but highlights for me were Christina Ricci giving a bit of Wednesday to Vexy, the naughty sister Smurf, the one-dimensional pantomime baddie (he's behind you!) and the cat, which amused me if no-one else. The plot is not believable, according to some. Yeah, and you sat though Despicable Me 2 and Cloudy with Meatballs 2? The plot is consistent with the rules set for the movie, just go with it. And if your children like it, what's not to like for you?
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