The movie is slow, ambiental, and the moral of it is missed by other comments, at least so far, so this is my take on it, before someone else does it better - my first review. I must agree with some of the other comments about the unmotivated name-dropping throughout the movie (listing historical figures main characters interacted with, inspired, or have been inspired by). That could have been done more casual, since Jim Jamrusch audience doesn't need to be baby fed. I didn't have a problem with the fact that the movie develops slowly, perhaps it suited me fine on a rainy Sunday evening I went to see it. Anyhow the cast for this is great, I expected nothing less from Tilda in this role, however Tom Hiddlestom, whom I see for the first time was also great, but I could not decide if the fact he reminds me to Adrien Brody in this role is good or not. Picking Detroit for the shooting site of better part of the film is also a great idea. As for the chemistry between the two lovers, I didn't really buy into it, even though it wasn't completely unconvincing, maybe that's just me, or maybe that wasn't the main idea despite the title. And finally the end of the movie brings a change in pace, where we see that once they run out of blood supply all the morality, tranquility, and intellect are stripped off the main characters (much like the human behavior they criticize more than once), and they become what they are hungry vampires (humans).