The Lunchbox (2013)
best ever
15 October 2013
THE LUNCH BOX RATING :9.5/10 This would be one of the best ever Indian Movie ever made.!Writer - Director Ritesh Batra's 'The Lunch Box' tells us how love happens in the unlikeliest individuals.In every aspect the film deserves the full mark.The script is so perfect that even the subplots are made so interestingly. In the acting section Irfan Khan and Nimrat Kaur did the performance,which no Indian actors had done on the screen before or after.Nawasudhin Siddiqui was perfect in his role.Even the girl who played the neighborhood girl role was better than any child actress I've ever seen. In the technical side everything was just perfect,just mentioning the sound design because I haven't experienced a sound design like this ever. Direction side stoles .5 marks from making it a perfect 10 picture.The film is a bit lag,But the script needs a slow progression of scenes. Please see this movie before it leaves the theater.This one is a must watch movie. Before praising the billion dolor tech-no movies,please spend some time to enjoy this 'budget' movie.
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