1) You care about the laws of physics 2) You actually want to see illegal street races 3) You are over 12 4) You know something about cars (and planes... and tanks) 5) You expect movies to have a script 6) You think the memory loss Tom & Jerry plot is too old 7) You want jokes to be funny 8) You want to see good acting 9) You want to see Jason Statham
I usually enjoy mindless action movies, like Transformers or The Expendables. But this one is just horrible. People in the cinema were laughing because the action just wouldn't stop. It was just ridiculous. After the movie, we were saying that our IQ level just dropped.
However, if you are under 12 and you think The Rock rocks, you should definitely watch this.
I usually enjoy mindless action movies, like Transformers or The Expendables. But this one is just horrible. People in the cinema were laughing because the action just wouldn't stop. It was just ridiculous. After the movie, we were saying that our IQ level just dropped.
However, if you are under 12 and you think The Rock rocks, you should definitely watch this.