Review of Sirius

Sirius (2013)
It's just bad.
27 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is an awful documentary made for all the wrong reasons. Mixing science with new age I am confused about what they are trying to say.

No new evidence at all, only the same old stories. They claim free energy is here, and have been for a long time, its just evil men and governments who wanna hide it from us. THEN SHOW US A WORKING FREE ENERGY DEVICE! Its just BS, no news here.

They claim the can make UFOs appear at night by using meditation and being "one" with the universe.OK, some lights appear, but it doesn't prove anything. Try getting the UFOs to show up during daytime so we can see them, make them land, not just lights in the sky at night.

The skeleton/corpse of a strange little humanoid is interesting but nothing proved there either.

Its a bad movie made be people lost in their own paranoid strange world. Sad really, we need this questions to be taken seriously by smart people, not by this bunch of amateurs.
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