Stranger in My Bed (2005 TV Movie)
OK, but some things didn't add up
10 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie started out very sad, and the main actress does a quite believable job of portraying the abused wife who is suffering at the hands of her violent, psychotic husband. She then goes on to stage her own death to escape him because she knows he will find her and kill her if she just leaves him. He later discovers what she did when he finds a brochure on how to change your identity, and bank documents that directly link to her new bank account,new name, etc. taped to the back of a picture frame on the wall in their house. This is where the movie starts to get annoying. I didn't understand why she would make such painstaking efforts to fake her own death only to be that sloppy? I mean it's a lot of trouble and hard work to escape from your tormentor and then she practically leaves a road map to her whereabouts behind. I could understand accidentally leaving a small clue behind, but this was just ridiculously careless. Anyway, he finds her in no time, begins stalking her and killing people left and right. It eventually leads to a big violent showdown with her and her new boyfriend. And then the movie finally ends on a happy note with her in a happy relationship with her new man. It is very similar to Sleeping with the Enemy with Julia Roberts.
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