The Relic (1997)
Turn up the lights. Please?
19 August 2012
I kept thinking my monitor settings were off, so I streamed it on 2 other systems (via Netflix), and still had the same results: DARK and IMPOSSIBLE to discern what the heck was going on most of the time. Oh, and in between the shadow-play, the lit scenes were just awful, making me long for the dark scenes again. What a turd of a movie. The CGI effects were sort of reminiscent of the effects in the original Predator, but every time the Klathagor (or whatever its called) beast would enter the scene, the scene lights flickered, flashed, dimmed, strobed or just went out entirely, leaving you guessing at what the gurgling screams and crunching sounds were about. Further, the camera angles were oblique at the critical moments and I kept looking at the wrong parts of the screen because the edits kept putting the beast at different locations and depths continuously. I hate chasing a movie around for 2 hours. Its an exhausting and irritating film. Did I mention that this was a turd of a movie?
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