OK. This is not a movie one watches for the plot. No siree, Juan. There were tons of sight-gags, many of which I missed. Female lead=smoking. Will Ferrel and his lovable loser pals sing a great song in the middle of this flick, a song so full of fun and life that we snagged it off YouTube and made a CD of it for ourselves. Brother Raul looks as much like a drug dealer an anyone could, including Donald Fagen in concert. (The guy from Steely Dan, for the young-folk.) Armando's "discovery" that his bro is a dealer is akin to realizing that in a movie with prim and proper aristocratic English schoolchildren, the children will indeed be evil. (Think 'Village of the Damned)"You are a narco!" Well, the Pope wears a white outfit as well. Very funny. The big star of this movie is The Onza or the Jag King, an absurdly stuffed white cat you wouldn't give as a toy to that screaming neighbor kid down the hall for Quanza. Pretty stiff and bulky. "And now it's time for your vision." Hilarious! And why is the moon full on every night of every movie ever made in history? This flick is no exception. Some here have said that the jokes were stretched out too long. That's the point! Drive those stereotypic references to every Mexican potboiler movie ever made into the sod, and then drive them into the the dusty soil again! I loved that. This movie is not for everyone. If you like Will Ferrel, awkwardness/randomness in general and a drop dead gorgeous female for once loving brothers to fight over, check this one out. It was very funny, but excepting for the obvious charm of the stuffed White Jaguar, I'm not really sure why we laughed so hard. And where did Will get that dashing white leather embroidered outfit from in the denouement in an hour or two? Pretty spiffy for the "More Cowbell" legend.
Review of Casa de mi Padre
Casa de mi Padre
We laughed a Lot-We were Not Always Sure Exactly Why
10 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers