A film made by someone who might have 'heard' of spiderman...
6 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
OK, now this is a 'reboot' that hasn't had the same success as the Hulk reboot (different companies I know). I lacks any kind of 'vim' or 'vigour' and is annoyingly heavy on the teen angst seen in recent movies. There are none of the witty Parker jokes, insults or sarcasm. In fact There is nothing of Peter Parker in the character portrayed in this film. The casting choices were awful, Aunt May was all wrong, Uncle Ben was (lets face it) a bit doddery and poor on the advice. Rhys Iffans was wasted, truly wasted in this pieced - and the Voldemort 'I've got your nose' Lizard was visually hilarious - not scary.

I saw the film about 10 minutes ago, in 3D (Why in3D I don't know there was virtually NO 3D in it at all). I'm completely underwhelmed, he swings wrong, he talks wrong, he's also pretty poor in a fight really.

Overall (oddly) the only thing I liked in the entire film was Gwen - the role was played very well, good acting and characterisation.

So less spider man - and more 'Static' if you've ever heard of the character. It's not as 'good' as the Toby Maguire version (and thats not fantastic). I hope it improves in the next one, and that Osbournes Green Goblin is well played.... I don't hold out much hope.

If this film does well, then I know it will have hit its target audience - teenagers. Its true, Spiderman is the only superhero you have to leave behind - he's like peter pan, and never grows up. Only in this case - he thrives on films like Twilight.
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