Sodium Babies (2009)
this is dark art !
12 March 2012
Sodium Babies....well,i had heard about this film quite awhile back,and was happy to see it finally released here,stateside. I often hear something about films from my friends,and i know fans around the globe. I have to admit.i,m kinda burnt out on vampire flicks,so i didn't really seek this one out, kinda found me.Not since "Paris by night of the living Dead",have i seen any french movies,so i brushed up on my french,and made some popcorn.As a vampire film,its a bit different than this "romantic vamp" fad,that i,m way tired of.It puts a spin on the whole thing,and does so in a very graphic,stylistic way.It also has a lead,that after some time,you sorta like,though, there,s not a lot to like about the guy.That don,t mean you wont like watching his story.His name is Dead Dog,and he,s no hero.The blood-letting is there,along with a decent story,acting,and a look that is compared to Frank Millers"Sin City",All in all,i say its worth a watch,even better if you like vampire movies without the romance angle.
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