Review of Ed

Ed (2000–2004)
Very underrated show
9 February 2012
One of my favorite shows when it originally aired. The show is about a lawyer who comes back to his hometown after he finds his wife cheating on him with the mailman. After he's back he buys the local bowling alley which he also sets up his law practice in.

The show is filled with tons of quirky characters and all the characters seem to have great chemistry together.

Ed's best friend is Mike who's a doctor and each of them make $10 bets with each other making the other do embarrassing dares. The object of Ed's affection is Carol who he had a crush on in high school.

A lot of actors from this show have gone onto really successful careers post Ed.

Julie Bowen is now the star of Modern Family. Ginnifer Goodwin has been in a ton of movies and also was on Big Love. Justin Long has been in multiple movies.
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