Life Unexpected (2010–2011)
Most Annoying Teenager Portrayed Ever on TV
28 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is seriously one of the most ANNOYING shows I have ever watched. There isn't a character on the show who I didn't want to smack in the face at some point. Lux, the main character especially makes me want to grind my teeth. She's the most SELFISH, self-centered, spoiled teenager ever portrayed on TV. She gets away with a lot just by yelling back at her parents after she has done something bad and making them feel bad for being mad at her, when they are totally justified in being mad at her. If I did the things she did when I was her age I would have received some major punishment. She cheated on tests and never got punished for it. She crashed her mom's car and someone else took the blame for her. She threw her best friend Tasha under the bus in one episode and let her take the blame so she wouldn't get in trouble for being in a relationship with a teacher. Seriously what were the writers thinking when they developed this character? Also, this show has way to may long diatribes that get really played out after a while. I start browsing other things on the internet and only half pay attention when that happens, and it happens a lot. Everyone is always yelling at each other and having some uneccessary moral or emotional dilemma or epiphany. It's really as far from real life as you can get. I guess this all wouldn't be a problem if the writing were better and the characters were more likable. Watch this show if you want to stress yourself out unneccesarily. The only reason I keep watching this show is because its kind of like watching a train wreck or slowing down for an accident on the freeway, you just want to see what happens or happened even if its bad.
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