The show is great if you see the whole picture. I only think that the main problem is with the basics. In real life if a quarterback sleeps with a random girl who he denies later and that girl has a child sixteen years later he wouldn't be in love with that girl. It would have been much more real if he wouldn't give a crap about her just wanted to know his daughter and by the time he would have realized what a great woman she is and the fell in love with her. It would have been reasonable for her to still have feelings for him but not the other way around, not with him denying it to happened back then. I mean he doesn't really knew her. And i really don't like how Ryan turned out in the second season or how upset Kate got when she found out about Julia while she did worse. And i kinda feel that the writers wanted everyone to have someone at the that they made some weird and rush choices. I know they didn't want to end it and they rushed to an end so i am pretty sure they planned Ryan and Kate together and Julia as just another drama, and maybe the would have found someone other for Baze, and Math too. But don't get me wrong, i liked it, how it showed us the upside thing about the whole foster care and how bad it can get. And all the other thing were well written, the actors and actresses were the best. I really love the show except the rushed ending.