Review of Doomsday

Doomsday (I) (2008)
Been Done Before And Better = What was the point?
28 May 2011
In my experience, you know you're onto a loser from the get-go when the film starts with a voice over. In this case, one that goes on and on, filling you in on the back-story. Film is a visual medium. If the director cannot set up the film without a lengthy spoken intro then he is not much of a director in my humble opinion.

But if you can stomach the spoken intro, can you also be expected to swallow the rest of the preposterous opening nonsense: A wall has been erected surrounding Scotland in its entirety, one that is capable of containing the entire Scottish population and all constructed in the time it took for a rampant, deadly virus to appear and spread??? No, I don't think so either!

Rhona Mitra plays the lead role as if she's channeling Kate Beckensale and, indeed, she shares Kate's amazing ability to keep one facial expression throughout the entire length of a movie. Bob Hoskins turns up to collect his pay packet. No one else is worth mentioning.

I understand the film is meant to be a homage to other films and other film makers. But why? Why bother? Why not make something fresh and original? I don't want to watch Mad Max for the 43rd time. It was okay in its day but we've moved, well, no, not in this film we haven't.

It's not a badly made film, it's just lame and derivative. I wouldn't recommend it unless you are easily pleased.
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