Too many French imports to reach our shores seem cut from the same thin but brightly colored cloth, and this eccentric comedy romance is no exception. As an incidental entertainment it has charm to spare but little depth or ambition, and is just as easy to enjoy as it is to ignore. The film benefits from the combined talents of its two photogenic stars: Auteuil plays a wealthy but disinterested heir to a supermarket kingdom who drifts through life completely unconcerned with either his fortune or his high social standing, until he meets demure maidservant Sandrine Bonnaire. With typical nonchalance he gives her everything she could possibly ask for, including her freedom, and being French she accepts it all with a fatalistic shrug of the shoulders. Because it changes pace and direction with such carefree abandon the film isn't easily pigeonholed, but it's hard not to recommend a story with such a casual attitude toward love and life.