Despite some very impressive production values, THE GREEN HORNET STRIKES AGAIN! is a bit of a letdown when stacked up against the first serial. While this may be due in part to the recasting of The Hornet himself, it's also clearly due to some of the writing: our hero is constantly being distracted and slugged when he looks away from somebody he's got covered; in fact, it happens so often in this serial that it becomes a cliché by the last reel. At one point, apparently shot during an exchange of gunfire, he goes down- only to pop up, unhurt, in the very next chapter. If he was, in fact, "just playing possum," he certainly picked an odd time to do so (right in the middle of a pitched gun battle). These are the kinds of little inconsistencies throughout that make THE GREEN HORNET STRIKES AGAIN! a watchable but ultimately fairly routine serial (though it's certainly superior to THE SHADOW serial with Victor Jory in the title role).