...it has DEPTH and not many video game movies have that...
27 May 2010
Quite possibly the best video game movie ever (so my favourite game movie Silent Hill goes down to number 2). Unlike other game movies where there is no seriousness or lack of originality/not sticking to the source material. This movie delivers greatness in all aspects. Mike Newell (Monalisa Smile - watch it if you still haven't) proved yet again that he is capable of directing a movie of any genre. (He is also my 3rd favourite director of the Harry Potter films). Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is a big WIN 'cause it has DEPTH and not many video game movies have that. With an amazing cast (some unexpected awesomeness) and crew, this is a 'must watch, worth every penny' movie. Not only this movie does justice to the amazing video game(s), it will make the fans go crazy and clap with both hands and feet like I did. Jordan Mechner must be happy and proud!
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