Hot Shots! (1991)
Very good comedy to pass the time!
16 February 2008
I bought this in Tesco for a tiny sum of £4.00 because i heard that it was really good, it has an 81% "Fresh" rating on Rotten Tomatoes and was a box office success, grossing over $180,000,000.There you are kids, a bit of history, tell your friends!

It took me a while (about 15 minutes) to get into the films humour, the jokes at the start produce giggles, some were just unfunny but as the film progressed the jokes got funnier and i was starting to see the good film that the critics were talking about!

I'd love to spoil some of the funniest lines but, i'm not gonna, there are some real corkers in this film.

What scores this film more points is that it was short, only 80 minutes or so, so it doesn't drag on and get old.

Maybe i'm only giving this film a 7 because i missed some of the sight gags or something, i don't know. I'll still be buying "Part Deux" if i see it in the shops though, it's probably worth it.

So the bottom line is "Don't Shop For It, Argos it!" no wait that's not right.....hold on, i'll get it......AH! The Bottom line is:

This film is funny, some good one-liners, sure, i wasn't laughing till there were tears in my eyes (i've only did THAT in a couple of films) but i was still chuckling along with the film, it's not a classic but it's still very good and the jokes will stay in my head for a while, as a famous person said about another film "It's impossible not to laugh!"

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