The Last Original Bond
25 April 2007
I don't blame Sean Connery with growing weary of the James Bond series, by the time "You Only Live Twice" was released they had done five movies in five years! That being said this is the last original Bond with Connery (not counting his return in "Diamond are Forever" and "Never Say Never Again). These five movies will always be the iconic Bond movies, but by the end of this film one could predict the franchise was on its way down.

This film takes James Bond to the Far East to investigate the kidnapping of US and Soviet spacecrafts which could eventual lead to war between the two powers. Roald Dahl, yes the same Roald Dahl who wrote "James and the Giant Peach" did the screenplay for this film, and he does a commendable but not extraordinary job. Some of James Bond's best one-liners are in this film, like "Oh the things I do for England," and "you sound like a commercial," most likely in credit to Dahl's creative touch.

The strength of this movie is that the franchise moved away from Europe and sent Bond to Asia. The Japanese background is excellent as are the Japanese Bond Girls, Aki and Kissy and the Japanese agent Tanaka. The action sequences are just OK. There's one good fight scene at the Osaka Corporation, it's similar to the "From Russia With Love" train scene and the opening fight in 'Thunderball.'

However compared to its predecessors, this movie fails to deliver. The editing and pace seems to slow down significantly once Bond has to get married and become Japanese. The enemy's lair seems over-the-top and fantastical, even more so than Dr. No's lair. Even with Connery's flair and grace one can see how anything less than an 100% effort isn't going to make a movie great, even a James Bond film.

Despite its minor hiccups, I still think this is an enjoyable Bond. Not as great as the preceding four films, but still solid. Yet one can't ignore the ominous signs that the Bond franchise was on its way down. For the last 40 years, minus some good films thrown in that time, the Bond franchise has never duplicated the magic and bedazzlement that it had from 1962-1966.

A Good James Bond film but not great. 6 out of 10.
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