Peter Pan (2003)
All children grow up... Except one.
16 February 2007
The revised telling of Peter Pan is quite a breath of fresh air. This particular adaptation places the story of Pan in more or less the realms of reality. Gone are the cheerful Disney songs and cute costumes so memorable to those familiar with the story.

However, this is not by any means a bad thing.

Everything about the movie has been realized in a way that would make JM Barrie proud. From the first time you see Peter's leaf clothing, to the vivid forests of the Neverland.

Not only is the aesthetic based in reality, but so are the characters. Past versions of the story have shown what fun Peter has as the boy who is to never grow up. What is so interesting about this movie, is the exploration of the tragedy that must also come with being Peter Pan. There is such a strong sense of Peter's affection for Wendy, you find glimpses throughout the movie where you can see Peter contemplating if it would be worth leaving his world to grow, and have a life with her. This also adds to the movies charm; creating such an emotional relationship with you and Peter.

However, one of the best (if not THE best) character in the movie is Wendy. Hurd-Wood is perfect to play the role. She's brave and daring, but vulnerable. Her acting ability is the icing on the cake when it comes to her relationship with Peter. Not only is it believable, but you often find yourself cheering her on, hoping that she might convince Peter that there is more to life than being a child.

From the cast, to the settings, to the musical score, Peter Pan triumphs in telling the most true-to-original tale of the boy who would not grow up.
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