The Good & Bad Of ''Throw Momma From The Train'
4 February 2007
THE GOOD - Anne Ramsey is a hoot as the brutal old lady whom Danny DeVito wants to "throw off the train." She is truly a unique character. The black humor in here and the classic film references are always fun to hear. The story moves fast with no real lulls, so the hour-and-a-half flies by.

THE BAD - Too much usage of the Lord's name in vain, especially for a comedy. Ramsey says GD at least four times while Crystal and Geiest exclaim way too many OMGs. This also is one of those films that diminishes a bit with multiple viewings. Once the shock of a few things seen in the first viewing is gone, is goes downhill somewhat. However, with all the references, audibly and visually, to Alfred Hitchcock films, it is always fun for a classic film buff to enjoy.
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