Disgraceful. Yet somehow compelling. The very fact that it is not you on screen hurling yourself over, into and through things that were not designed for such a purpose makes you appreciate those that are doing so even more.
Anyone who has seen the TV series should know what to expect. Like Jackass before them however, they have been allowed to go even further, and at times you wonder if they have not perhaps gone too far, never more so than during Pritchard's quest to win back his honour. Of course, a certain part of you will always be yelling for these fools to hurt themselves in ever more ingenious ways, and it is this part that will make you want to queue again.
Anyone who has seen the TV series should know what to expect. Like Jackass before them however, they have been allowed to go even further, and at times you wonder if they have not perhaps gone too far, never more so than during Pritchard's quest to win back his honour. Of course, a certain part of you will always be yelling for these fools to hurt themselves in ever more ingenious ways, and it is this part that will make you want to queue again.