The Colbert Report (2005–2014)
Consistently Annoying and Unwatchable
30 July 2006
Never has any show in the entire history of television been as overrated, overpraised, and over-hyped as The Colbert Report. This show does nothing but annoy. The lead character, played by Stephen Colbert, is supposed to be a parody of a conservative newscaster. Unfortunately, Colbert does not so much succeed in mocking such conservatives as he does in becoming as annoying as they are. He is not funny or enlightening or remotely interesting. The media goes on and on about Colbert's talent and intelligence but how much talent and intelligence does it take to play the same character and the same tired comedy bits over and over until we stop watching. That is not talent, that is consistency. And to be consistently annoying does not lead to a long career, even in the fake news game. My roommate and I gave The Colbert Report a fair shot, coming on as it does after The Daily Show, one of our favorite shows. We now turn off The Daily Show early so we don't catch Colbert's promo at the end of it. That's how bad this show is. We can't even stand the promos.
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