Crime Killer (1987)
check out my back-flip
15 July 2006
This was the first and last movie in which I performed a stunt. I'm the guy doubling "Zeus" in the obstacle course scene where the drill instructor yells "back-flip". I'm the guy who does the back-flip on the balance beam, not a real good back-flip being that I had to wear combat boots at the time. Two years ago I found this movie for sale on the internet so I bought it. The worst movie I've ever seen. Doing stunts in the movie industry was my life's ambition at one time, George Pan-Andreas was very nice guy . There was a motorcycle stunt that did go bad, it was a scene were a motorcycle's front tire was supposed to go through the sunroof of a car and decapitate the driver. The stuntman was alright but the camera operator at bottom of the hill got hit with the motorcycle. A crewman actually quit that day because of it. This was 19 years ago I can't believe I remember any of this.
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