Having worked at the "Baghdad ER" I think this is an outstanding film. When I first saw it I was just sure it would be sensationalistic and exploitative. I was wrong. This film does have its graphic moments but is nowhere near as graphic as it could have been. Initially I also thought that the film would be anti-war. As I watched the film I was pleasantly surprised to note that it had no political message whatsoever. The film has no narrator and the only words are those spoken by the people actually in the documentary from Medics and nurses to physicians and the patients themselves. The film will, therefore, be different things to different people depending on who watches it and in what frame of mind. One person could call it anti-war where another could call it propaganda. I believe it to be neither and the mark of a great documentary. As a physician in the Army I was uplifted by this film realistically showing the work we do in Iraq and elsewhere in support of our front line soldiers. This film shows this beautifully and should be seen by everyone. The compassion for the soldiers, marines, sailors, airmen, and civilians treated at the CSH is real and happens there every hour of every day.