Classic cult hit
28 June 2006
This movie is a classic, right up there with Office Space, Dumb and Dumber and Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Wonderful movie that everyone with a healthy sense of humour should see!

What is refreshing to see is people being people. I know people exactly like Harold and Kumar - they are very real people, and it's sad that this movie is a "satire" when it's really the norm. America should learn that race doesn't matter - it's a person's culture that matters. A person's culture determine's his behaviour. All I see are some American stoners. I do not see a "Korean" and an "Indian".

I think one of the reasons why people find this movie so entertaining is precisely because these racial stereotypes are broken, and people are surprised that a movie that doesn't have anglo-saxon-centric actors can in fact be hugely entertaining.
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