One Tree Hill (2003–2012)
I'm loving it!
10 May 2006
Look I think that you can see a certain truth in these stories, they're about life and it's problems. No matter who you are or what you do, you always have issues. No one ever thinks about how real those TV-problems are and how many people have to deal with them daily.. It makes you realise how tough life can be but how beautiful at once. Plus, the acting is great, they pull it off to seem very realistic and I think that the role becomes a part of them.. Basically it's about a couple of guy's trying to get and maintain a girl and who want to be the best in what they do.. On the other side it's known that girls are more sensitive and they really try to accentuate that here. No one knows the world and it's people better then producers directors and scriptwriters because that's where they get there inspiration from, from real-life day-to-day things that everybody knows and understands so good. And finally we have found someone who knows an understands us. And even if this character is fictional it's still based on something real and alive..

I also think that Chad Michael Murray is HOT but yeah that's my opinion.. I also loved him in the "Gilmore Girls" and in "House off Wax..
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