I guess when you see the title "The Boston Strangler", you expect to see a remake of the 1968 classic, brought up to date, with modern film making, but no such luck with this title. This is just a Q&A with DeSalvo in prison, with flashbacks to his crimes, and it seems to try and say that DeSalvo may not have been the mass murderer, The actors and acting are dire, the direction is awful, i have no idea what he was seeing through the lens, how could you get a bunch of actors like these to make a film believable, in the original movie Tony Curtis played DeSalvo,with a career best performance, really an Oscar performance, and it shows what a great actor he was back then, Henry Fonda as a law professor, brought in to find the killer, and George Kennedy as the detective, these were Stella performances. In a film about a serial killer you expect, suspense, danger,twists and turns, a psychological thriller, in this remake i am afraid to say the only twists and turns, is when you switch it off.
Review of The Boston Strangler
The Boston Strangler
(2006 Video)
Get a copy of the original movie, this one is rubbish
7 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers