From the Golden Age of TV cop shows
17 March 2006
Remember Robert Lansing in 87th Precinct, or Lee Marvin in M-Squad?? Golden Age indeed..!

Even though it's called "The Asphalt Jungle" this series had nothing to do with W.R. Burnett's noir classic novel (which was made into a movie starring Sterling Hayden, James Whitmore, John McIntire and Sam Jaffee)...

This is one of the first 60 minute cop shows I recall (along with 87th Pct and the later episodes of Naked City) and it certainly didn't feature any pretty faces considering Jack Warden and Arch Johnson were the leads along with a young George Kennedy putting in a few appearances... But I recall it as a good, well-written, adult drama, along much the same lines as Naked City...

The real mystery is why this only lasted for 13 episodes...(?)
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