Boy, Did I Enjoy this Wrong Number ***
24 January 2006
A real Bob Hope farce is the 1966 film, "Boy, Did I Get A Wrong Number."

A businessman (Hope) gets a wrong number and it turns out to be that of a hot-tempered actress (Ilke Sommer) who seems to have a love-hate relationship with her lover-director, a very handsome Cesare Danova. During a major spat, she runs off and is hidden by Hope.

Marjorie Lord plays the goody-goody wife and Phyllis Diller is literally along for the ride as a ditzy housekeeper, Lili. Diller is the sole of the film. She is hilarious and she aids her boss Hope.

Of course, when it appears that Sommer is dead, Hope becomes the main suspect. True to form, there is a major chase scene and an ending that we can say is appropriate for a comic "soap" opera. Silly, but the laughs are worth it. Hope and Diller were an excellent twosome together.
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