Stranger in My Bed (2005 TV Movie)
Do not bother watching this
20 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Do not bother watching this movie, go straight to "ENOUGH" with J.Lopez or better yet "SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY" with J.Roberts,as they are far, far better then this, there are more holes in this movie then in a second hand dartboard, you have a woman who is in fear of her life, she see's her wife beating husband after 18 months, so she dashes home to find the window smashed, and the front door open, what does she do??????, call the Police, get the hell out of there, get a machine gun, leave the country, NO she has a shower, and the front door is STILL open, doh. in the meantime her husband is on a killing rampage, but he is knocking off people that have no reason to be killed, with the exception of his wife's friend, that really deserves to be whacked, i mean, would you invite a complete stranger into your house,that pretends to be interested in a house purchase down the street, i don't think so. I know it is only entertainment, but PALLEEZE are we complete morons, well the director seems to think so, he even has the battered wife wearing a wig at the start of the movie, which is fine if we see her later with a shorter then the wig hair style, but no, we see her with long flowing locks that "L'Oeal" would gladly pay millions to get the formula, are we expected to believe her hair has grown long and wavy in 18 months. In all my comments i tell people to make up there own minds, but if you want to see a movie with this storyline, than forget this one, go for one of the good ones.
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