You must see this for yourself
21 November 2005
I was not going to comment on this movie, as there are some very positive reviews already posted, then i read the comment from "dave-colonna", and felt i should have my say. Mr dave-colonna's comments, are to me totally unfounded, and as he purports to be a "film maker", i would like to see some of his work, and have the chance to comment on it, He says it was that bad he walked out with out seeing the movie through to the end, well i do not know how he can comment on something he has not fully seen, his comment on nursing staff making sure all there patients take there medicine, is just petty, we all know how overworked and overused nurses are, and with the best intention in the world, i do not think that every nurse, in every hospital, will stand over the patient until the pills are swallowed. He also states that the acting is the worst he has seen,well the acting is not Oscar nominating material, but there is a heck of a lot worse out there, and for a cast that are "no names" for the want of a better word, they did a great job. I think Mr Dave C, needs to get out a little more, and go and see some really crap movies, and stop being so petty and i suppose jealous. I also predict that Sabrina Gennarino, who plays Maddie will be a big star, all in all it is not the greatest movie in the world, but not many are, however, it is a good film, i would watch it again, and if you give it a chance,i am sure you will enjoy it.
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