I have been reading the comments re, "Lost" and it seems to me that the majority of posters are all in the teen or younger age groups, and they have really nothing more to do then watch and comment on this dross.As for the acting, with the exception Terry O'Quinn, lets just say the original Thunderbirds guys would give them a run for there money, the continuity is very very poor, the "storyline" well for me it has been done so many times before, and in most cases much better, just think of The Langoliers, Millennium, Alive, The Time Machine(1960), Swiss Family Robinson, the list is endless, but this is being hailed as the best thing since John Logie Baird applied for a patent. Did you ever see a pregnant woman look like she had Space Hopper under her dress, what looked like a H&K automatic,2.3lbs of steel strapped to an ankle, pa----leese, the writing still on the aircraft after the "cookout", This program should be Lost and never found. Come back Jack (Bauer that is)