Review of Cake Boy

Cake Boy (2005 Video)
14 April 2005
i checked out this movie because the vandals are a cool band so i thought that this movie would be cool too... i have seen some bad stuff in my life but this crap is just that...crap. i think its so funny that joe escalante is a self proclaimed producer/director. i guess you can do that when you have a crap-load of money to throw around and access to large distributors who probably owe you favors and is the only reason they take this product. but honestly the sad part is, that kids probably buy this because it has the vandals name on it that they think its gonna be good and it ends up holding up the short leg of the dinner table. but i guess joe doesn't really care as long as it sells. your money...make your own "film" (video) and show it to your friends, i guarantee, in advance, that not only will it be better than this, ten-fold, but you will probably have more fun making it that watching this dump in a box.
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