Season 19 is when they definitely started slipping in quality. I still don't love Coffee Talk. Still think its a bad way to open any episode. Nice hearing Sarah Silvermans voice though. Monologue was fun. I like it when they let the host roam around and show us the sets. Chris Farley chewing the scenery again. He really had his routine down solid by this point. Shame he couldn't stay clean and sober for very long. Though, like his idol Belushi before him, he never had a problem poking fun at himself. Sassy boys just was not terribly funny. D'arcy Wretzky actually looks pretty cool with her pixie cut and her little outfit. This is definitely the glory days of Smashing Pumpkins. Kevin Nealon gets a little worse each season, though occasionally comes up with a good zinger. Picking on the Olsen twins wasn't cool when they were toddlers, but knowing what comes later on I guess its good foreshadowing. Adams pickle routine may have been funny in 1993 but today it just feels weak and desperate. Stoner rockers should have been funny but it kinda lacked good jokes. Same thing with stoner salesman. Those actors must have all been regular smokers. Not one of them is coughing or hacking during the sketch.