Found a new anime on Netflix, Sakamoto Days. In the series, a retired hitman tries to forget his violent past, but as it usually happens in that line of work work, the forgotten life knocks on the door. Mr. Sakamato owns a small grocery store, where he lives upstairs with his family. One day, a young man arrives at the store, who has been given the task of cleaning up the traces of the past. His clients are Sakamoto's former employers and colleagues. Suddenly, the young man has second thoughts. The decision has surprising consequences. Thus begins an adventure that hooked me at least. This anime made by Yuto Suzuki is probably the first Netflix product of that genre that I got to know. At least the first contact was interesting. Sakamoto Days is an anime that surprised me in this first episode, with a well-developed plot and very exciting fights. I hope they keep the level.