Review of UI

UI (2024)
Pay attention!! U & I
20 December 2024
Pay attention! As usual this is a difficult movie for the masses to follow and a bit hard to sit through. But trust me what Uppi has shown is a universal struggle. So many things summed up from origin, present and the crumbling 🌎 i.e is U & I.

I think some people are confusing this film's as depiction as the end of the world. But This film, man, it's like a glitch in the Matrix. You think you're watching a story, but it's all a puzzle, a game. Upendra, he's playing with your mind, throwing curveballs at you every step of the way. And the dialogue, forget about it! It's all riddles and paradoxes. You gotta think deep, man, really deep, to understand what he's trying to say.

But hey, that's the beauty of it, isn't. But hey, it's a wild ride. You gotta hand it to him, he keeps you guessing till the very end. Just be prepared for your brain to take a vacation after watching i

Nope rethink!!!

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