What a disappointment
5 November 2024
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Warning: Spoilers
When I saw this listed I thought 'this will be great. It's directed by Lee Daniels. Well...sorry Lee. Very disappointing.

My first question is -- is this another of the somewhat bizarre roles that Glenn Close takes seemingly desperate to finally win an Oscar? I found her performance distracting, at best.

Second, the first half of this film is, for the most part, boring. You can almost say that the last half makes up for that...except several times early on I stopped watching the film because it was soooooo very boring. I know that sometimes you have to build to an exciting climax...but darn...this was pitifully slow.

Third, to all you directors out there -- I really don't want to watch vomit being spewed. Have a little taste in subtlety. And then to watch a boy throw his own feces in a teacher's face. Too much for me.

Fourth...what did the character mean when she said it wouldn't be an exorcism. It sure was. To an extent, same old same old.

I'll give credit to two actors in the film. The young boy -- Anthony B. Jenkins, and his older 'brother' Caleb McLaughlin. The rest of the cast...eh.

I like a good horror movie. This was not one.