The Stalker 3 (2003 Video)
where's the label?
7 March 2004
ok when i went to rent a movie recently with my girlfriend we saw this movie labeled as a drama and set with the other new releases, we read the back and decided to rent it, we were not expecting a cheesy, one-camera, lame porno. I thought they put labels on those kinda things, i was appauled. We watched the movie anyway because i always watch the full movie, never just give up on it. This movie was bad. Bad writing, bad acting, bad directing, bad visuals just overall bad. Hopefully you will read this before you accidentally rent this, but all i can say was even as far as lame thin-storied pornos go this was bottom rung. At barely over an hour long i still felt like it drug on for days, it is time i will never get back but in the end i hope i am able to warn other people and keep them from making the same mistake, unless this is the kinda movie you were looking for all along and if it is, its ok as far as softcore goes but still fairly tame.
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