As Dustin Hoffman said last night, "You never see an actress go to the
depths that Charlize Theron accomplishes in the powerful, brilliantly
performed film". An Oscar nod, for sure, to say the least. This is a
performance for the ages. If you respect film acting and the brilliance
it can behold, this is a must see film. Patty Jenkins does magnificently
to not get in her actors way, to let them inhabit their characters
without the use of flashy camera tricks, or showy first time 'I'm Here!'
directorial flashes. Wonderfully written, this is a 'rough tough, take
no prisoners' film, that is not for all sensibilities. However, if
you're an adventurer and you want to have your cinematic world 'rocked',
see Monster. It is utterly unforgettable. Charlize, as Dustin also said,
'I apologize for not seeing this sooner...' but how could anyone know?
This is a great lesson to never pigeon-hole an actor. God Bless Ferne
Cassel for the most staggering job of casting of the decade. If there
were Oscars for that branch, she deserves five for believing and
delivering... and Charlize, you owe her two for staying on your agent so
you got to see this moment of your life, and to the brilliant Patty
Jenkins for delivering such an electrifying film. Wow!.........
depths that Charlize Theron accomplishes in the powerful, brilliantly
performed film". An Oscar nod, for sure, to say the least. This is a
performance for the ages. If you respect film acting and the brilliance
it can behold, this is a must see film. Patty Jenkins does magnificently
to not get in her actors way, to let them inhabit their characters
without the use of flashy camera tricks, or showy first time 'I'm Here!'
directorial flashes. Wonderfully written, this is a 'rough tough, take
no prisoners' film, that is not for all sensibilities. However, if
you're an adventurer and you want to have your cinematic world 'rocked',
see Monster. It is utterly unforgettable. Charlize, as Dustin also said,
'I apologize for not seeing this sooner...' but how could anyone know?
This is a great lesson to never pigeon-hole an actor. God Bless Ferne
Cassel for the most staggering job of casting of the decade. If there
were Oscars for that branch, she deserves five for believing and
delivering... and Charlize, you owe her two for staying on your agent so
you got to see this moment of your life, and to the brilliant Patty
Jenkins for delivering such an electrifying film. Wow!.........