Even Robert Downey can't save this one
9 August 1999
I recently rented this movie, and having found it in the comedy section of the video store, I thought I was in for a few laughs. Instead I ended up with a head-ache. Listening to the characters constantly bicker and scream at each other was like watching re-runs of the real world. The story-line was bland and exceedingly predictable.The characters were greatly undeveloped-why does Natasha Wagner's character seem so in love with Blake and care so much about him and what he does when she turns out to be a bisexual who is more interested in women anyway? It was an all too convenient way to get rid of her. I found Heather Graham's acting to be very unconvincing and unnatural. Her lines sounded too rehearsed and flat. Natasha Wagner's acting was better, but not by much. Robert Downey Jr.'s part was well acted but, like the other characters, not very interesting. While I am a big Robert Downey Jr. fan, I can't help but dislike this movie greatly.
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