The basic plotline could apply to hundreds of movies: a couple of regular guys get mixed up in the world of drug dealers and guns, to their peril. There are only so many twists and turns a screenwriter or director can throw into such a story, so this isn't exactly the kind of film that will change the world. But the performances are excellent (especially Callum Keith Rennie, playing the sad, sweet, tragic mental case so well you can practically see the thoughts in his sleepy eyes), the script and art direction are just fine, and the overall level of suspense is perfect. The viewer will know his own tolerance for violence and profanity--there's quite a bit of both, but not so much that I found them distracting. Plenty of shots are fired, but no one is turned into bullet hamburger like you see in some movies. All in all, a good entry in the B-movie shoot-em-up crime genre, and especially watch out for CKR.