Why can't we be friends?
12 November 1999
The director Holzman reveals he is a child of the 60's where "Make love not war" was a catchphrase. The overall theme of this film is that tensions between warring parties can be solved by getting some action. With this in mind and an impressive cast, this film caught our attention at the Eye Candy Hall of Fame. First of all it stars Griffin Drew (2nd team All-Century). Other actors of interest are Shauna O'Brien (as Elke--the friend) and Lisa Boyle. As a public service announcement, Ms. Boyle's scenes are quite tame and there are better films out there to display her true abilities. We don't know if this was intentional or not because she plays a teenage girl and the producers may have feared it would be bordering on kiddie porn. All we can say is that no girls at our high schools came close to being as mature as Ms. Boyle's stature. The good part is that Ms. Drew and Ms. O'Brien make up for this omission and beyond (the hot tub scene).
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