Review of Grease 2

Grease 2 (1982)
What a Terrible Sequel to a Great Movie!!!!!!
30 July 2000
I think most people are accustomed to sequels that are not as good as the originals. There are exceptions of course, such as the Godfather, Lethal Weapon, etc. which had some great follow-ups. Rarely are there sequels as bad as this one is however. It is a perfectly awful movie.

I hate it when film makers try to capitalize on a movie as successful as "Grease" by trying to foist junk like this off on the public as a follow-up. The sequel doesn't have the same director, writers or major cast members of the original movie and it shows!

There *are* some decent cast carry-overs from the original movie but they are wasted (as is just about everything else about this movie). I'm sure they must have later regretted lending their considerable names to this disaster.

I have rarely heard so many forgettable (read: terrible) songs in one movie. Don't waste your time on this one. Stick with the original. It's incomparably better.
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