More of the Same, but in the Future
3 September 2002
It is the future. People are getting ready for there first transport to the Moon to live in Moon colonies, and Ted Striker knows something bad is going to happen. The Roc 4000 computer goes nuts and kills the crew of the spaceship and sets the ship towards the sun. If Striker can't take back the ship and change it's course they will all fry. Sequel to Airplane! is mainly a parody on 2001, with all the original Airplane! jokes thrown back in. Most of the cast has returned including Lloyd Bridges, Peter Graves, and even the jive talking dude. William Shatner and Sunny Bono are very good as a few new characters. Is it funny? Yes, but not as funny as the first. People who enjoyed the first one should enjoy this one. Fairly average comedy. **out of **** Note: After the end credits they say Airplane 3 coming soon. It never came.
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