If there were ever two actors who never got the credit they deserved, it is Powers Boothe and Susan Blakely. I write to famous people as a hobby and Susan Blakely was kind enough to send me an autographed photo. Powers Boothe won an Emmy for his first starring role in the 1980 TV film Guyana Tragedy: The Story Of Jim Jones. Yet his career has never really taken off like it should have after such a great start. He proves in this film that his Emmy was no fluke. He and Susan Blakely are two addicts who fall in love. They are basically wonderful people you feel sorry for because they have terrible problems. Susan is such a great actress that in some scenes you swear that she really is "wired". This is a film about how love can heal and the final scene where Blakely forces Boothe to admit his addiction is the most memorable. They both really go for broke and it is gut wrenching to watch. This film isn't available on video and is only shown on tv once in a blue moon. Watch it if you get a chance!