This film begins with two college friends named "Gordon Slide" (Tommy Sands) and "Blythe Holloway" (Toby Michaels) deciding to spend the upcoming Easter weekend together at a beach house rather than going back to their respective homes. The problem is that, because Gordon is male and Blythe is female, the college dean "Dr. Frowley" (John McGiver) is concerned about them spending so much time together. Additionally, he also considers Gordon to be a bad influence on Blythe as she is so innocent and naïve. As far as Gordon and Blythe are concerned, neither of them has a romantic interest in the other and as far as they are concerned, their relationship is strictly platonic. They are best friends, but not lovers. In any case, having deceived Blythe's widowed father "Senator Clyde Holloway" (Edward Andrews) and Gordon's divorced mother "Sandra Slide" (Jan Sterling) concerning their secret plan, they then head off for a quite weekend on the beach. Unfortunately, things don't go nearly as planned, due to a boating accident at sea which results in a Coast Guard vessel having to rescue them before they drown. And it's during this time that Blythe meets a young sailor named "Giuseppe La Barba" (Fabian) which results in an immediate attraction between the two. Gordon, on the other hand, is suspicious of Giuseppe's intentions and begins to react in an overly protective manner. Likewise, a stray dog they adopted named "Gaugin" (Tiger) also reacts in a hostile manner to him as well. Be that as it may, as the romantic relationship between Giuseppe and Blythe increases, Gordon starts to develop feelings of jealousy--and that's when things really become complicated for all concerned. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this was a slightly dull comedy which never really seemed to kick into high gear at any point. It just wasn't as funny as it could have been. Likewise, the relationship between Gordon and Blythe--which was the entire point of the film--could have also used a bit more humor as well. That being said, while I don't consider this to be a bad movie by any means, it wasn't nearly as good as it could have been and I have rated it accordingly. Average.