Spencer Mullen Dec 19, 2019
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Santa Claus Conquers The Martians, Baby Yoda, and more in today's daily Link Tank!
Here's how a twenty-four year old mystery was solved by a shark tooth.
"This summer, a crack team of scientists used advanced DNA technology to solve a shark-attack cold case. In 1994, a shark bit Jeff Weakley while he surfed off the coast of Florida — the bite left him with a tooth in his foot. The shark was never found. The mystery would have remained unsolved if it wasn’t for the victim and the tooth in his foot."
Read more at Inverse.
Here's why praise for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker's queer representation is unmerited.
"It’s almost 2020, and we’re still supposed to grin and bear it whenever the tiniest scraps of recognition that queer people exist are tossed down by the studios on high.
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Santa Claus Conquers The Martians, Baby Yoda, and more in today's daily Link Tank!
Here's how a twenty-four year old mystery was solved by a shark tooth.
"This summer, a crack team of scientists used advanced DNA technology to solve a shark-attack cold case. In 1994, a shark bit Jeff Weakley while he surfed off the coast of Florida — the bite left him with a tooth in his foot. The shark was never found. The mystery would have remained unsolved if it wasn’t for the victim and the tooth in his foot."
Read more at Inverse.
Here's why praise for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker's queer representation is unmerited.
"It’s almost 2020, and we’re still supposed to grin and bear it whenever the tiniest scraps of recognition that queer people exist are tossed down by the studios on high.
- 19/12/2019
- Den of Geek
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