Michael David and Tyler Blake have been making music together for years now, but it's on "Hanging Gardens" -- their debut LP as Classixx -- that they've finally hit gold. The Los Angeles-based DJ and production duo exploded onto the scene with "I'll Get You," a sing-song dance track that sounds like it has been around for decades. That 2009 single, which was written with and features Lady Gaga stalwart Jeppe, makes its way onto the album (May 14, Innovative Leisure).
"Gardens" is a near-perfect summer record, and anyone who has lived in or visited Los Angeles can instantly feel the city seeping through its 12 tracks. That makes sense, given the fact that the duo says they recorded the album "in every corner of L.A., from a very dense, industrial part of the Valley to our new studio in Venice Beach, Downtown and everywhere in between." HuffPost linked up with (the...
"Gardens" is a near-perfect summer record, and anyone who has lived in or visited Los Angeles can instantly feel the city seeping through its 12 tracks. That makes sense, given the fact that the duo says they recorded the album "in every corner of L.A., from a very dense, industrial part of the Valley to our new studio in Venice Beach, Downtown and everywhere in between." HuffPost linked up with (the...
- 3/5/2013
- The Huffington Post के द्वारा
- Huffington Post
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